With the right accessories for your pallet pull-out units for traverse, you can adapt your shelving even better to your individual needs. For example, with our stand set, you can ensure that traverse pull-out units can also be used in the floor area if the use of our floor pull-out units is not possible. Pull handles and foot pedals facilitate the work in the lower shelving areas and enable a comfortable and ergonomic operation of the pull-out units for traverse if they are to be used in the floor area. To ensure the stability of your racking and thus the protection of your warehouse staff, we recommend our safety interlocks, which prevent several pallet pull-out units from being pulled out at the same time. To be able to store goods without a pallet on the pull-out unit, we also offer you easy-to-mount closed steel shelves.
To ensure the stability of the pallet racks, only one pull-out may be pulled out at a time on a pair of uprights. Our safety lock ensures that the other pallet pull-outs are blocked when they are pulled out.